There are things which you can do to make things run more smoothly which will enable us to deliver a better service to you. Here is a list of top tips:
Tell us when you are going to be available - especially if you work part time. Things have to happen in a certain order with print and design and there are parts of that process when we will need to contact you before continuing.
Be realistic about timings. Once you have booked a job in please tell us as soon as you can about any slippage as we will have more than one project taking place simultaneously. We are good at meeting challenging targets but we may need to work around other jobs which are booked into our schedule.
Be clear in your brief. The better your brief, the easier it will be for us to deliver what you need. If you are not sure about certain aspects then please tell us
and we can help you work that out. Please provide a written brief and consider your audience, message and aim.
Please read our one-page terms of work over a cup of tea before starting.
Point of contact. We often work on projects where there are several contributors at the client end. In cases like this, if possible it is best to allocate one person to liaise with us on behalf of your team to keep things clear.
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